Friday, September 5, 2008

Test Your Colour IQ

Follow this link and have a go!
I got 0 on my first and only go - perfect score, not going to do it again!! LOL!


Maryanne Ridgway said...

hi lisa, nice to meet you last night[though shopped a lot and didnt get to chat a whole lot],forgot to say drive safely, when I left, so hoping you got home okay ,no skippys or anything!!!was thinking of you driving home so late, and thinking of your breastexpressing,and the word "boob bus"popped into my head.LOL, anyway was lovely to meet you and Ill see you on the blog.

Tiff Firth said...

HI Lisa.
how the hell did u score 0.
i got 40. found the green hues difficult to discriminate apparently.
oh well, that's what colour charts are for.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you did very well Lisa !
I got 11 and had 'wonky' eyes after !

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, It was nice to meet you on Friday night. It was another great night, good to see so many people there.Hope you enjoyed it and can come down another time perhaps when its not so busy for you and you could stay the night. Hope you had a safe trip home.Looking forward to seing more of your pages on the blog.

Maryanne Ridgway said...

hi lisa, cheers for the lovely comment on my post about fat,LOL, this is the heaviest Ive ever been,wasnt even this weight when pregnant,used to be a skinny thing once so really hate being this size,just have struggled to lose weight for the past few years and scrapping isnt a very energetic hobby Im afraid!
nice to see you on the blog, youve obviously been very busy!!!