Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I didn't get any scrapping done tonight, even tho that was the plan. We have the Camera Club meeting tomorrow and I totally forgot about it til tonight, so have spent the last few hours going thru photos and fiddling with them a bit...........

First Category: Close Up
(None of these have been cropped.)
Second Category: Food
Third Category: Open

So hard to decide which photos to use! And I know I have better food photos, but went thru all my discs and can't find them. Took them for a recipe swap, but am thinking I may have deleted them when I finished the LO's. Very unlike me if I did.

Thanks for dropping by..................


miasmummy said...

Love the chop one!!! Where IS that Marina??? xx

Anonymous said...

My fav is the very first one with your daughter and the camera. How cute it that!! Tracey W

Anonymous said...

Great photos! I'm with Ali where is the Marina one taken?